Thursday, April 1, 2010

breaking dawn

hello class ..I'm not sure that i have talked about this book breaking dawn with you yet!

well here we go
Edward and Bella have a small wedding at the Cullen's house after the wedding ...Bella and Edward go on their honey moon on Esme's island! Bella finds out that she is pregnant with a half vampire half human baby that is a girl. they name her Renesmee Cullen because Renee is Bella's moms name and Esme is Edwards moms name!i think that this part is important to the author because it really gets everyone interested in the book!because no one knew that there was such thing as a half vampire!

when Bella is giving birth to Renesmee she(Bella) has to be turned into a vampire because she cant handle all the pain since Renesmee is ripping up her bones:( so since Bella is a newborn vampire she cant see Renesmee till she is about ready to handle seeing a human or half human!finally Bella gets to see Renesmee she sees Renesmee and of course falls in love with her in a motherly kind of love but Jacob falls in love with renesmee in a boyfriend and girlfriend kind of love! Bella gets mad at Jacob at first but then she doesn't really care that much! the picture i saw in my head was of bella hapily holding renesmee knowing that everyone is safe and happy!

so Bella and Jacob take Renesmee hunting and Irene sees Renesmee and thinks she is a immortal and since Irene is currently mad at the Cullen's since they killed her friend Laurent she goes and tells the volturi!which gets the volturi mad even though Renesmee isn't a immortal she is a half human half vampire baby but Irene doesn't know that! the volturi get mad and they bring everyone and come hunting after the Cullen's! so Edward and Bella Cullen and the rest of the Cullen's and werewolf's find witness's to explain and prove that Renesmee is not an immortal....the volturi comes and they find out Renesmee is not an immortal and everything is okay! the picture i saw in my mind was all the witness with renesmee standing on one side and then all the volturi and irene on the other side!

i think that in this book the suthor stephenie myer saw that there needed to be something new to concentrate on other then just vampires fighting so to have a new born baby in the bok that was half human half vampire is really cool so i think she did a very good job on everything like she always is!
thank you for reading my blog

chow FOR know



eb said...

i dislike this book. its horable. not trying to be mean thow.

lb said...

hehe ya everyone has different opions but you have to read it to be sure if you dislike it or not

eb said...

no i dont i already now i hate it!!!!!! hehehe

lb said...

well have you read any of them yet?

eb said...

well i know what there about

lb said...

then what are they about?!?

eb said...

well i know twilight is about bella being in love with edward wih is a vempire!!!!!!!!! thats crazy !!! and dumb to be a book

lb said...

well i dont like it as much as i used to but there is much more like they fight other vampires and stuff and there are werewolfs and everythhing else

eb said...


lb said...

well then...hehe:)

lb said...

ya i see why you dont like it! i thought i wasn't going to like it at first but then i did!so its always good to try new things.

lb said...

thank you for reading my post though

CHOCOLATE! said...

Hey Landon I loved your blog. Maybe you want to just check over the blog and correct the mistakes. Just saying because these blogs are graded and you don't want to get a bad grade. But the rest of the blog was awesome!!! It is weird that Reneesme is half human and half vampire. I will be waiting for the next blog!!!!