Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Dear fellow students and teachers,

I am reading the BFG by Roald Dahl. It is about a orphan girl called Sophie that lives in a cold, rusty orphanage with 12 other girls. One day when she is sleeping she wakes up and sees a giant called the Big Friendly Giant. Well, Sophie doesn't know that at the start, but she finds that out later in the book. Anyways, the giant takes Sophie to giant country where there are 8 HUGE giants that eat people. You might not believe that but it really is true. They don't notice Sophie because Sophie tries to stay out of view. Anyways, the Big Friendly Giant is friendly (obviously) and tries to keep Sophie in his cave.

I had some questions when I was reading this book. The first one was why did Sophie trust the giant when he was so HUGE?? and Sophie was tiny compared to him. I think Sophie was really scared when she noticed all the HUGE giants sleeping. They looked like mountains with their large stomachs. They are REALLY fat. I really like this book because it is really funny and weird.


J.A. said...

I love this book! :)

Ms. English said...

This is a favorite of mine, too! Roald Dahl is a great author, in my opinion!

Blueycheese, have you figured out why Sophie wasn't scared of BFG? I know I might be a little intimidated by someone so much bigger than me! In what ways can you identify with Sophie (how would you feel if you were in her place)?

Happy Reading!

Alicia said...

If I were Sophie then I would be really terrified and I wouldn't believe anything that the giant said.

ak said...

Is this a good book i havent read this one yet

Alicia said...


CHOCOLATE! said...

hey bluey cheese I think it is an awesome book. Have u read any other book by Roald Dhal? what was the title?