Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Double Identity

I read Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The book is about a girl called Bethany. She gets sent to her aunt Myrlie, her mother's sister, even if she has never heard of her before. Anyways, Bethany has a lot of questions, like why her parents are older than other kids' parents, and why are they so overprotective? Then Bethany overhears her Aunt Myrlie talking to her parents on the phone and she heard, "She doesn't know about Elizabeth." Then she sees a videotape of Elizabeth which just looks like Bethany. She even has the same number of freckles as Bethany. Bethany pretends that she doesn't know about her so she doesn't talk about it. She finally asks her father and FINALLY Aunt Myrlie tells her. Bethany finds out that she is a clone of Elizabeth, her sister who died in a car accident. Elizabeth died in 1997 and was thirteen, so that's why her parents were older than others.

Some of my questions were why did Elizabeth's father clone her after she has died? An also Elizabeth hated swimming. How come Bethany was so good at it? Her parents expected her to drown and die. I think it is really weird how Bethany even likes the same foods as Elizabeth, like oatmeal with peaches and cream. But since Elizabeth died at thirteen years old, how come Bethany didn't die too when she was thirteen, since she was a clone of Elizabeth? And did Bethany remember the times that she was Elizabeth?

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