Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Sloppy Copy Slipup

Dear Class

I'm still reading THE SLOPPY COPY SLIP UP. So far it's about Brian Higman a boy that always gets in trouble. His parents will destroy him if they figure out he got a big fat red
O ( f ). He has to turn in a Sloppy Copy (rough draght). Which he did not do . He had a excuse
that hes brother had band over and it was so loud he couldn't think. My question is ; is he
going to get away with it?
He does get away with it by sneaking into the line and I think the teacher finds out.
But before that he gets bullied by Harry. A 1st year student entering high-school.this reminds me of when I was in 3rd grade and one girl In my class never was nice to me. I don't think she even tried to be nice to me. That doesn't mater any more.What I'm trying to say is that I didn't finish my writing and it was due that day. So I decided I would do it during free time. I finished it in time and got a 3 on it.

I am starting a new book called The Magician's Nephew. I changed Books because I was getting tiered of that book. the only problem is that I doesn't know what NON-FICTION book to read.
Written By: VKE

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