Monday, August 24, 2009


Dear Ms.English and Class,

I am reading a VERY good book called Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. In the book Eclipse Alice kidnapped Bella and Bella has to stay at the Cullen's house until Edward comes back from his hunting trip with his dad, and two brothers Jasper and Emett. While Bella was falling asleep Rosalie happened to come by her room and they started talking about how and when Rosalie became a vampire.

In Rosalie's story she lived in a wonderful town where her dad was a banker. She could not go anywhere without everyone looking at her and admiring her beauty. She was shallow and only thought about herself. She wanted to have a husband and to be with somebody for the rest of her life. A king owned her dad's bank, and that king had a son named Royce. Rosalie was very jealous when she found out that one of her best friends Vera got married and had a beautiful baby that had dimples and had curly black hair. Rosalie was amazed when she got engaged with Royce. One night walking home from Vera's in the snow, Rosalie saw her fiance drinking with a few of his friends. Rosalie knew that he only drank a glass of wine here and there.

Rosalie went over to them and said "Hi." Royce and his friends were drunk and they severely hurt Rosalie. Rosalie was telling Bella she was just laying in the snow waiting to die. Carlisle found Rosalie in the street bleeding. He brought her back to his house and saved her life by turning her into a vampire. She remembered Carlisle saying he is so sorry every time she screamed from the venom. Edward did not like Rosalie one bit. After having the venom spread in her Rosalie looked at the mirror and she was disgusted by how she looked. That whole story is why she does not want Bella to turn into a vampire. She wants her to live and have a happy life unlike Rosalie did. Bella was shocked to find out that Rosalie was just jealous of Bella because she has a perfect life.
When Bella was at school Jacob came and picked her up to ditch school on his motorcycle, at Jacob's house Bella and Jacob got into a big fight. Alice was so mad when Bella went to the Cullen's house. She ditched school and went to their enemy's house. Bella was so excited when she got to go home, but when she went to her room all her clothes where gone. Edward had no clue what happened. I think that Jacob stole her clothes.

While I was reading Eclipse I had a few questions in mind. One of the questions was Why would Royce hurt Rosalie which was his fiance? And Why did Royce drink when he usually does not? Also, i had connection that kinda matched what happened to Rosalie. At my old school I was being bullied by a group of boys also. In my head I could see a movie playing about Eclipse, I could just imagine Rosalie getting hurt. That is so sad of what had happened to Rosalie.



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