Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear classmates and Miss.English,

I am reading the book called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Stephine Meyer has done a great job writing this book so far, it has kept me flipping pages of the book like crazy. It has kept me reading all the time. When I was reading one paticular part of my book a couple of questions came to my mind about what I was reading such as, Why is Bella not afraid of Edward like she is supposed too? And especially why does she feel safe with him? Finally, Why doesnt Jacob(childhood friend also werewolf) speak up about how much he like's Bella?

Some thoughts came into my head about Edward, I thought that Edward would get mad at Bella for not telling Charile(Bella's father) about their time together.

I'm at a cliffhanger about the evil vampire's(Laurent,Victoria, and James) tracking down Bella. She has to be on the move with Edward, Charlisle ,Esme,Emmet, Alice Jasper and Roasile(Edwards symbling's). To get away from the other vampires.

Anyway it is a awsome book so far and I'm proud of myself, I have 97 more pages to go then I'll be finished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why did you do half green half white?