Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

I'm Reading Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets,

So far harry has to stay home with his muggel family ( muggels are people who aren't magical)
They locked all his magic things in a small closet and they even put bars across his window so he coudnt escape back to Hogwats. (Harrys magic school) His best friend Ron and Ron's brothers Charlie and Bill go to harry's house to rescue him. After they do that they go to Ron's house. Ron and his brothers get in trouble for flying the car but harry does not.

One of my questions was how did Ron know where harry was?
Why did harry's family not like him?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didnt really like Harry potter and the chamber of secrets because it didnt have alot of action me and im on the last Harry potter book its really good but good response though.:)