Friday, August 21, 2009

Heroes Don't Run

Dear Ms. English and Class,

My book is called Heroes Don't Run. It's about a guy joining the marines after his dad was killed at Pearl Harbor. He joins as a Marine and goes into action on Okinawa. My first question is what is Cosmoline? It's greasy and their guns arrived covered in it. They said it's like Vaseline. I guess it's a kind of gas. I also want to know what it's made of. I also want to know why it was covered in it.

Second, how did he join the Marines at 17! The recruiter and his Grandpa allowed it and so did everyone else. He couldn't wait until he was 18 so he came to his Grandpa's and used that as an excuse. By the time he finished training it was late 1945 already. He first had action in Okinawa. If he started in 1942 he should have been in action before that.

Oddly enough he had a friend that was Japanese, but he also lived on the other side of the Sierra Mountains! They both joined the Marines too. Anyway the main reason Davi ( his friend) joined was because they would let his Family return to Hawaii. I haven't finished yet but so far it's pretty good.



J.A. said...

Do you know how the war starts?

Dromed said...

Hitler takes power in the 1920's and attacks Poland in 1939.

J.A. said...

That is wierd how he joined at 17! You are supposed to join at 18 right?

Alicia said...

Is this book fiction or nonfiction?

CD said...

is IS true and this is sorta realistic fiction

and good job on the war facts "dromed"


Dromed said...

And a bomb attack was planned around D Day which I believe blew his pants of.

Dromed said...

when you search my account this will not show up.

Dromed said...

Now it will