Monday, October 26, 2009


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am almost done with Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. It is a GREAT book and I recommend you to read it. Now I will catch you guys up on were I am in the book....

As you know Bella has had her baby Renesmee; Renesmee is named after her birth mom Rene and Vampire mom Esme. Renesmee is a half human half vampire baby. She prefers donated human blood than animal blood. She looks like Charlie ( Bella's father) with her bronze curls. ( I wondered why she looked like him because in the movie he does not have curly hair.) She sleeps ( that is a characteristic of a human vampires don't sleep.) She can run fast like all vampires can. Most vampires have a supernatural talent; For intense Edward can read all minds except for Bella's. ( I wonder why he can't read her mind?) Bella has the ability to shield people she loves so they can't and won't die or get hurt and nobody can read her mind. Even though Renesmee can talk she prefers to use her talent which is to put thoughts into people's heads so that they know what she thinks or what she wants, she just has to touch you. I think that is cool!

Even though Bella is now a vampire and she would have just turned 19 if she were human. They gave her a little present. The present was a cottage that Esme, Rosalie, and Alice all made. It was for Edward, Bella, and there daughter Renesmee. The cottage was close to the house and the closet was already full of clothes. In Bella's it had a ton of clothes more than she would ever imagine. Bella knew that Alice did that.

As you all know ( if you do) werewolves imprint on people. ( that means that they fall in love with someone and can never stop loving them) Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee and loves her so much; he never wants to leave her side. In the book at one part Jacob would not give her up and Jacob said " Bella I get some time to hold and be with Nessie myself" Bella got so mad she came running to kill him Seth had jumped in the way. ( Seth broke hes shoulder) Bella felt so bad now everybody ( except her) calls Renesmee Nessie; Even Edward!

When Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee went to go hunting for animals Irina ( a vampire that was Best friends and loved Laurent) ( but he died from Jacob after he was about to eat Bella. ( this happened in NEW MOON) She saw that Jacob was in his Wolf form with Renesmee Irina got so mad and ran off. Bella got Jacob and Renesmee and took them back to the Cullen's house.

In the Cullen's house Alice was cleaning and she dropped a vase. ( No vampire has done that ever ever ever) She had a vision of Irina going to the Volturi and having them come here to Forks, Washington. I think that Irina has got it all wrong and told the Volturi that Bella married Jacob and had a child. But they knew she was wrong. The Vlturi will be at the house in a month. Emmett wants to fight them.

Alice had gone away she had left the Cullen's even left Jasper behind. Nobody knows where they are at all. All they know is that Alice and Jasper are not together at all. Sam happened to tell Bella that Alice asked to pass there territory and jumped in the ocean. That was the last time that they saw her.

I stopped when Bella has arrived back at the Cullen's house and Renesmee was sitting on Jacob's lap.

Hope you enjoyed my blog!!! :) :) :) My crop-qv's are mostly in my blog. But my reaction is that why did Irins go tell the Volturi a lie?? And from that my prediction is that she will die.

Thank you!!!



es said...

didn't jasper and alice leave together?

Alicia said...

yes emily is right and don't you think it's weird that Jacob used to hate Renesmee and now he loves her? And Irina dies. And Bella

Anonymous said...

long but facinating summary.

J.A. said...

Yes Alice and Jasper leave together but them Alice and Jasper seperate. So they do not go with each other in La Push.
Thanxs for telling em that Irina dies I haven't even got there yet. that was a guess. And Bella what??? Bella does not die?

KG said...

Yeah bella does not die!

KG said...

Oh ya and Rennesme curls are Bronze

CHOCOLATE! said...

Awesome Blog J.A.! I love the part where Reneseeme drinks blood. What is your Favorite Part????

CHOCOLATE! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lb said...

Bella DIES??????
i thought she lived!!! anyway great post J.A. i better hurry up and start finishing new moon!! again great post!!!

lb said...

Bella DIES??????
i thought she lived!!! anyway great post J.A. i better hurry up and start finishing new moon!! again great post!!!

lb said...

Bella DIES??????
i thought she lived!!! anyway great post J.A. i better hurry up and start finishing new moon!! again great post!!!

J.A. said...

Bella does not die i am almost done with the book!!!!!!

J.A. said...

Bella does not die i am almost done with the book!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i heard that in NEW MOON that when bella jumped off the clif to kill herself or whatever she did was crazy edward thought that bella dided and edward wanted to be with her so he told volturi that he wanted to kill himself to so he was close to stepping in the sunlight to kill him self and then volturi and edward have this epic battle and its awesome!!!!!AWESOME BLOG BY THE WAY::):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

how come you read breaking dawn to much?!!