Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breaking Dawn :)

Dear Ms. English and class,

I am reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. It is such a great book:):)

Well, I just passed the part were Bella tried to attack Jacob for imprinting on Reneesme her daughter. So, Bella is not allowed to see Reneesme because they do not want Reneesme to get hurt, you are probably wondering if Reneesme is a vampire or not well she drinks blood but she can sleep and her heart beats and she has a soul. Jacob calls her Nessie and part of the reason Bella went after Jacob was because that he named HER daughter ( Bella's daughter) after the locnouse Monster!

Anyway Seth got hurt when Bella went after Jacob because Edward tried to save Jacob from getting hurt by Bella (Bella is a new born vampire and new born vampire's are very strong.) But instead of protecting Jacob Seth got hurt. When they got back in the house Bella right away wanted to see Reneesme but Jasper would not let her because he is concerned that Bella will hurt Reneesme.But they think that Bella has a gift of Self Control they think this because she has the ability to do what every other New Born vampire cannot do,she is able to control her emotions and connect with regular human feelings.

One day Bella finally gets to hold Reneesme and Reneesme has a gift also she can tell you in visual thoughts what she is thinking about in just one touch, it is amazing what these vampires can do or what they call their gift.

I am as you know on Bella's point of veiw (third book BELLA)_. I seem to have alot of reactions to this book like, one moment in the book it is all happy and then it turns on you and becomes like a mad feeling, it keeps swicthing like it is made too but somehow it is very interesting the way it does that.

Anyway thank you so much for reading my blog. I would love some comments!:):):) BYE:)


KG said...

Any Questions or comments ill be happy to answer!!!! :):P

CHOCOLATE! said...

Awesome blog Katie. I love the part when Reneeseme has a gift for Bella. Isn`t it freaky how a baby drinks blood obiously it is a vampire but it sounds real freaky. I have queation, why weren`t you on Jacobs side than on Bella`s? Once again it is a awesome blog! I am looking forward for more blogs about Twilight! HAPPY READING!!

KG said...

thanx pranita :) i read ur blog very interesting:):) :):P

Alicia said...

pranita you say freaky a lot. Why is everyone reading the twilight series???

CD said...

its thx not thanx and
I have not read this book so, do vampires in this book not have a heart or soul

thats good if u have seen ghost rider though...

Anonymous said...

i dont get why everybody reads twilight i think twilight is kind of weird and!lol;)