Friday, October 30, 2009

Double story special!

This is another blog with 2 books. One is a history of martial arts and the other is a crime and detection book. I'll start with Crime/Detection. It's a eyewitness book about Crime and Detection. I thought it was funny when it told about a fraud who put in a add in a newspaper saying, we have a 100% effective way to kill cockroaches. People who baught it got 2 blocks of wood with instructions saying " place cockroach on block A , then stike block B hard on top of block A. It worked but he got arrested anyway.

Mah next book is called The Matial Arts Book. It's about the history and present martial arts from the 18 hands of the Lo-Han, to Kung Fu ,to Tai Chi , to Karate, Tae Kwon Do ,and Kendo. I learned about Ninjas ( Girl ones to) and samurais. Ninjas throw Shurikens which can be dipped in poison and were masters of disugise. I wonder why they have non humans in Samurai time Japan. Non Humans were the Janitors of Ancient Japan, they washed garbage of the streets and did things others would rather not do.

It also tells about how different Martial arts are now. I feel sad about the fact people learn Martial Arts to beat people up when it really is for a good mind and body.


Alicia said...

That's a short blog even though there are two books.

Dromed said...

Ye... srry

Dromed said...

I'll get a bigger book next week.

Alicia said...

you love war

Davis <3 war

CHOCOLATE! said...

WOW!!! That is an awesome blog Droomed. What was your favorite part? I am looking foreward for your next one!

Happy Reading!!!

Dromed said...

these arn't all about war, the martial arts book has meditating, tai chi, and things saying martial arts are made to build a stonger body AND mind. Also, it's Dromed with 1 o Chocolate!.

CD said...

yah depends on teh art (protection or conquest)