Friday, November 20, 2009

Distant Waves

I finished reading Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn. 5 sisters, Mimi, Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe go on the Titanic. Before that, they live in a weird place called Spirit Vale, where the dead comes alive. Mimi (the oldest) and Jane (the second oldest) go to New York on their own to interview Nikola Tesla, a scientist. Jane goes to a Chinese restaurant while Mimi stays with Ninette Aubert, the girlfriend of a rich person, Mr. Guggenheim. When Jane comes back, Mimi tells her that she is going on a tour around Europe with Ninette. So Jane goes home alone and is in big trouble for losing her sister. When Mimi comes back, she tells them that she is going on the Titanic and she takes Blythe with her. When Jane, Emma, and Amelie discover that the Titanic is going to sink, they try to get their sisters off the boat. But they accidentally get on when the boat is leaving the dock. Now they are stuck on the boat and they meet new people.

I think the place Jane's family lives in is weird. It's called Spirit Vale and the only job in Spirit Vale is contacting spirits. It's weird because Jane's mom, Maude, is supposed to actually talk to the spirits. But Jane sees her mom pretending to see the spirits. Jane's older sister, Mimi, doesn't like talking to spirits. She's the one who convinced Jane that Maude was pretending.

I felt bad for Mimi when she found out that she was half black because back then, people treated African Americans badly. Her dad was Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe's dad but her mom was Haitian. Her real mom died so her dad married Maude. Jane, Emma, Amelie, and Blythe are all her half sisters.

I felt really bad for Jane when the Titanic sank. She knew one sister was dead and one was unconscious. She hoped that the other 2 were safe. But when they got rescued, they couldn't find Mimi or Thad. She finds them about 2 years later. Nikola Tesla was a scientist who's time machine apparently put her 2 hours 40 minutes to the future. It took Mimi & Thad 2 years and 4 months to the future.

How could Mimi leave Jane in a weird city? Mimi is the oldest and was supposed to take care of Jane. But when Mimi was offered a job to tour around the world with Mr. Guggenheim & Ninette , she just abandon Jane. So now Jane is the oldest and she has to take care of her younger sisters.

Real Stuff
Even though this book is mostly fiction, there are some real people. Victor Giglio, Mr. Guggenheim, Ninette Aubert , Nikola Tesla, and a lot of other people in this book were real. There was one person, W.T. Stead, who predicted that the Titanic would sink but he got on it anyway. Mimi, Jane, Emma, Amelie, Blythe, and Maude Taylor were all made up.


lb said...

GREAT POST!!! and like you said on my post about edward or a big jacob fan!! go team jacob

lb said...

GREAT POST!!! and like you said on my post about edward or a big jacob fan!! go team jacob

ap said...

i have that book obviusly because you used my book.

any way i liked the blog you encluded every detail.