Friday, November 13, 2009

The Everything Buddhism Book

Right now i am Reading the every thing Buddhist book which is a book a guy wrote about his life as a Buddhist monk.

The author started out in a atheist,religious family and soon was ready to chose his own fate, Buddhism! He learned about alot of the real meanings of things. Like karma (actually) means action! If you kill a guy you wont get hit by a car but guilt might make jump off a cliff if you cannot confess, not that i know the guilt of murder heh heh heh...

This book has really helped me concentrate and find out how to use Buddhist meditation to comfort myself and know the secrets of peace, love, war, and hate, it also helps prevent my mind from wandering and is really soothing!

One more thing it makes me feel: Nirvana, total realization of the world as it is, between life and death that shall go to reach full monk-ey-ness like nirvana is heaven on earth and death and it literally is like: we have no soul our enlightenment comes from others and ourselves we are here not for a purpose but for a reason, we are the dominant creatures and we shall not abuse our powers!

Above is a picture of the Tibetan Buddhist symbol for karma


Ms. English said...

Hi CD!

I think it's cool that you read a book about Buddhism. What made you choose this book?

I have a question about something you said about the way the author was raised. You said he was raised in an athiest, religious family. Can you explain how it could be both? Was one parent athiest and the other was religious?

I'm glad to hear that you've found something that you feel helps you, CD. I'm really interested to hear why you chose this book and how you got interested in it.

Happy Reading!
Ms. English

CD said...

well he ws sorta like me where he has a religous backround but does not really study or follow or beleive it! he just believed in god, and that was then...