Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Dear classmates and teacher,

Where I am in the book Bella has just met Edwards foster parents (even though Bella had met Dr.Cullen earlier in the book at the hospital when Tyler nearly ran her over with his truck) and his brothers and sisters.An Edward decided to add in that Dr.Cullen just had his 362 B-day.(Wow he is old)

And Bella was watching Edward and his family play a game ofvampire baseball soon 3 other vampires came in wanting to play. But they spoted Bella and James notices shes human and try to have her as a snack. Now Bella is on the run with Edward, Alice, and Emmett for protection from James (the bad vampire) who is trying to suck her blood!!!!!!!(Yikes) And from prior knowledge I know that vampires are spouse to have a really good sense of smell and from the book I know that James can follow her human sent tracking her down. But it gets worse all of Bella's shirts, pants ,shoes ,bed basically every thing she owns which is were at her home were her Dad lives. And unless Bella can make her stuff disappear her Dads home might just turn out to be his coffin after a visit from thirsty James. Now Bella has only fifteen min. to convince her Dad who does know vampires exist that she can't stand being in forks any longer, grab practically everything in her room, grab her keys, stuff all her belongings in her truck drive to Edward for protection and RUN for her life. Or she and her Dad will have to kiss their living years good bye!.!.!

Will Bella and her father stay alive? Will Bella and Edwards relationship last any longer?Its all at risk , I can't wait to know what will happen.


es said...

thats one of my favorite series. stephenie meyer is one of my favorite authors! almost all of her books are going turn into movies! are you going to read new moon?

i liked the part your at alot cause it is very suspenseful

os said...

I like your post and i like how you did red as in blood