Tuesday, August 25, 2009

judy moody MD the doctor is in

dear class, i am reading judy moody MD the dictor is in by megan MC donald and i have a few question when stink ask her that why is she dont going to school and judy say because i'm sick and her brother stink say if you sick maybe you can go to second grade say stink to judy and i think i know how she feel becasue when you in 8th grade and someone told you to go in second grade maybe they hurt your feeling and they don't care.and that was my question it's is not real question but yeah and i just told you how she feel when someone say that becasue it's not good hurting somebodys feeling BY G.F


J.A. said...

That is true it is not good to hurt other people's feelings. Also, I wonder Why stink said that?

KG said...

cool book its really good

SW said...

what was you r favorte part

ap said...

i have that book ive read that book like 3 times