Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eating the India Way

This book is very cool because the foods they eat are way different from the way we eat. Since most India people are vegetarians they don't eat much meat. Most of the foods in the cook book deserts and different puddings. Their bread does not have yeast so it's flat (it is so good).

I think they shouldn't have put all those puddings in the book. Especially since there fruit pudding's. Disgusting(i think). I also think all there are to many nuts in there foods. I like looking at different foods around the world because they could have completely different foods! This book is very cool.


J.A. said...

Wow that sounds like a nice cook book! I would like to try the flat bread.

CHOCOLATE! said...

THE flat bread is called nons I know it sounds weird but that is what u call it and also I loved the blog:)

Mysterious Oculos said...

Do you think the food is good?
Animal Love

CD said...

a cookbook ZOMG!?!?