Friday, November 13, 2009


Dear Ms. English and Class,

I am still reading the Uglies and it is a good book! When I was telling you about the book Tally was on her way to The Smoke. Now Tally had made it to the Smoke. On her way to the Smoke she almost got burned! When she arrived at The Smoke Shay her friend was so happy she came! Tally was sick of spag bol so she told Croy you can have it all, then Shay said it is to good to trade everyone wants it here but does not have enough. When the people were eating dinner around the camp fire Tally told her story, but she lied about she exaggerated too much. Later, on Croy suspected something was going on about her pendent. (The pendent was given earlier in the book to call the Special Currcumstances to come arrest all the runaways.) Tally was not sure she wanted to though she is getting to close to The Smoke. When David (a guy who Shay likes) wanted to tell Tally a secret, Tally wanted to say you can't trust me, but she couldn't get the words out. The secret that David told her was that he was not just a runaway his parents used to be doctors but took David and ran away. (Keep reading the blog and I will tell you why they all decided to run away.) David really trusted Tally. When they got back to the campground Shay said "Something is fishy about you coming here and I want you to stay away from my boyfriend David. (David is really not her boyfriend Shay just likes him alot.) The next day David wanted Tally to go and meet his parents, Az and Maddy to tell her why she ran away. (my question is Why can't David just tell Tally?) The told Tally that some people died when they got the operation due to lesions. When they got back to the bunkhouse Tally fell asleep the next morning Tally woke up to fire and the hovercars and the Special Currcumstances outside. She got captured, when they took her to the rabbit pen where other uglies were clustered together Croy believed her that this was not her fault at all. When a Special arrived to the pen with Shay she was SO mad at Tally. Shay tinks this is all her fault first she stole her boyfriends and now this! When the Specials were checking there eyes they took Tally with them to the libary were Dr. Cable awaits for her.

That is were I left off. Most of my crop-qv's are in my blog. Thank You :):)



1 comment:

CD said...

waht makes a special and waht makes an ugly?