Friday, August 14, 2009

Avalon: Web of Magic; all that glitters

Hey class,
In my book, Avalon, Kara was typing on her computer and some words started to fade and the only words that remained was (in this color)"I know who you are" Kara was so scared she rushed to the Raven's wood manner(a place where people come visit too see all the creatures, not the magic ones, on the preserve) and told her friends ,Emily and Adriane, about what she saw on her laptop. They just teased her.
Why did that happen on her laptop?!? Why were her friends not supportive?!?!?Was it Just her imagination? These are the questions I wonder... If I were her it would be creepy to me to.
your class mate,


Alicia said...

I read the first book of Avalon, so I am really anxious to find out what happens. Why do Emily and Adriane laugh at her? In the first book Kara was the one who laughed at them

CHOCOLATE! said...

why are u so interested in that book?????

CHOCOLATE! said...

have u read the 2 book????

Ms. English said...

This sounds like a really interesting book to me, too, SN! Did you find out why those words appeared on her computer screen?

Why do you think her friends weren't supportive when she tried to explain what would happen? How might their perspectives been different from Kara's?

Happy Reading!