Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Judy Moody,M.D.the doctoris in!

dear ms English today i start reading Judy Moody book because i finish the fancy feet so i pick the Judy moody book today and i think it's really good book and i have a few question is Judy moody trying to make that she sick and she tell her mom that she sick but she not because she doesn't want go to school so she told her mom that she sick but her brother stink know that she not sick and she put her mom's cherry to make a faker and not go to school and she hate school.i think school is fun not for everyone but for me school is fine and i love school because in school you learn about everything that you can know about.and yea my question was that she doesn't want to go to school.and she hate her brother stink. i think she make stuff that she sick because she hate school.GRACE


Alicia said...

WOW thats a big picture

ap said...

yea and dont put your name

CHOCOLATE! said...

hey Grace I had loved the book judy moody the doctr is in and also I hope you enjoy it!

es said...

that is a great book

Dromed said...

Don't say real name.