Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Double Identity

I am reading Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It is about a clone of Elizabeth who doesn't know she's a clone and then later finds out after some strange events. Bethany (clone), finds out that Elizabeth is her mother's first child and that she died.

Why did Bethany's father keep the secret about Elizabeth forever and just suddenly drop her off at Aunt Mrylie's house? He could have told her so she wouldn't be so confused when people in Mrylie's hometown start acting like they've seen a ghost. They really didn't see a ghost, they just saw Bethany who looks exactly like their dead friend Elizabeth.

Why did he send thousands of dollars and 5 birth certificates? It could look like he stole the money. Bethany can't be 5 people at once. Which Bethany is she? Bethany Cole, Bethany Krull, Bethany Ebern, Bethany Stanton, or Bethany Ronkowski?????
Why did they make a clone of Elizabeth and why did they leave her at Sanderfield, Illinois? I know why they made a clone, because they still wanted a part of Elizabth but if they have been thinking, the last place they would have left her is Sanderfield. Since she is a clone of Elizabeth, everyone who grew up with Elizabeth would recognize her.


Alicia said...

WOW..... I need to read this book

CD said...

u should and have frosted flakes while u read there Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

Alicia said...


es said...

why are you talking about cereal????

ak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ak said...

Ya whats with the whole cereal thing and no frosted flakes are not dicusting

G.E.F said...

GF wow why are they showing the face of her but i hope u enjo it

es said...


Dromed said...

Honey Combs is disgusting. Try something not cereal people.

Dromed said...
