Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fancy Feet

Dear English i start reading the fancy feet and it really good book and i like to finsh the book because againg it really good book.well i was reading the other book but i like the fancy feet batter because it funny and i love funny books. from grace


lb said...

hey that sounds like a great book,lb ps.i like funny books to

J.A. said...


Alicia said...


Alicia said...


es said...

sounds like a good book

CD said...

I like green day too!

es said...

is it a good book?

CD said...

What is it about!?!?!

ak said...

Whatis it about????????????????????

G.E.F said...

it about how she want to wear glod shoes

Dromed said...

Fancy feet is a baby gymnastics my 2 year old Brother takes.